When people spend time with you do they leave that time saying it was like being with Jesus?
This is the question that has been running through my mind for almost a week now. I so badly want the answer to be Yes. That after Youth Group kids feel closer to Jesus Christ through our time. However most of the time I feel it is not the case. So how can we change this? What needs to be done so that our lives mirror the very life of Christ.
My proposal is to "let go"!!!!
It is that simple.
Let go of your fear, let go of your insecurities and allow Christ to fully reign in your life. But how many of us have a death grip on certain things in our life, I know I do. You will see when you let go of the things you hold onto (TV, cell phone, money or popularity), there then becomes room for the Holy Spirit.
It is not until you have let go that you can truly live.
So for this next week try to let go of something and give it over to God. Let me know how it goes.