Saturday, October 17, 2009

God's Global Mission

Family Devotional 10/18/09
Student Life Publishing

You are wealthy Did you know that? Okay maybe not in comparison to the celebrities in People magazine but if you have food in your refrigerator, clothes on your back and a roof over your head, you are richer than 75 percent of the world. If you have money in the bank, in your wallet and spare change in a dish are among the 8 percent that comprise the world’s wealthiest.

But we possess an even greater wealth. Knowledge of salvation.

Read Psalm 67 together as a family. It’s almost as if the unknown writer of the hymn had a glimpse into the future. Although he didn’t know exactly how salvation would come he was sure that it would come because he believed in God’s promise to Abraham.

No amount of riches can give us the salvation that we so desperately need. Without God’s mercy, we are hopeless and bound for destruction. But we have a giving, loving and gracious Saviour who has had a plan for salvation since the beginning of time. We have a Father whose heart aches and who has gone to a great extent to be reconciled to His children.

As we grasp this, praise and thankfulness should flow from our lives. It is a love story so amazing that we won’t want to keep it to ourselves. We have the privilege of telling other people this news, and He desires all who have ears to hear it.

With our abundance of knowledge, material wealth, possessions, and technology also comes a great responsibility. Not only are we more privileged than most people on the earth, but we also know a truth that millions have never heard or experienced. God has blessed us and now it’s our turn to be a blessing.

Connection Questions:
1. As a family, write down specific ways that God has blessed your family. Then take time to thank Him for those things.

2.Take turns naming specific gifts, talents, and passions that each family member has that God can use for His glory.

3. Statistics are beginning to show that less and less people in America are claaiming any religious affiliation. Does this motivate you and help you to see the urgency of sharing the message of CHrist? What do you need to do to be prepared to share the message of Christ more effectively?

4. What are the biggest obstacle to sharing your faith? What can you do to overcome those obstacles?

Copyright Student Life Publishing

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